
Vim and CoC

Vim is my editor of choice. I’ve tried to switch, and although Vim-mode plugins for editors like Visual Studio Code allow you to use your well-earned muscle memory, nothing quite matches the snappiness of Vim in the terminal.

CoC comes pretty close to providing a nice IDE-like experience in Vim.

Handy commands for COC

  • gd - go to definition
  • ctrl-o - return (:help jumplist)
  • :CocConfig - will bring up the coc json config file
  • :CocList snippets - list snippets for current file type

Getting python linting working:

We need to make sure it picks the right interpreter. To do this, do:

:CocCommand python.setInterpreter

And pick the interpreter.

It also needs to pick the correct workspace file. You can do it manually like:

But that’s a pain because you need to manually do it each time. Instead, we have set our coc-config to look for Pipfile and package.json since they will work well in our monorepo.

More info here.

CoC Config

We can always do :CocLocalConfig and put a settings file in each project if we need to.

Terminal escape key


Relative line numbers


:set number relativenumber

:augroup numbertoggle
:  autocmd!
:  autocmd BufEnter,FocusGained,InsertLeave * set relativenumber
:  autocmd BufLeave,FocusLost,InsertEnter   * set norelativenumber
:augroup END